In my previous post I wrote about a world where most of the manufacturing and physical work is done by machines and machines only-AUTOMATION. What if I say the world is moving towards something more amazing? What if I say world is moving towards something more dangerous? What if I say world which we know is going to transform completely and forever?
I was sitting in my classroom of marketing and a topic of innovations came up, Mr. Souvik my marketing professor was the first to make me aware of “TRANSHUMANIZATION” and I literally had goosebumps I was actually scared than being excited. The biologist Julian Huxley is generally regarded as the founder of "transhumanism", coining the term in an article written in 1957. So what exactly is this Transhumanization? I will explain it in simple terms “fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.” You will not believe when I say the origin of this idea is from the quest for immortality in the Epic of Gilgamesh, as well as historical quests for the Fountain of Youth, Elixir of Life, and other efforts to stave off aging and death. Every such advance would first appear to someone as blasphemy or perversion, "indecent and unnatural". In particular, he was interested in the development of the science of creating and sustaining life in an artificial environment and the application of genetics to improve human characteristics, such as health and intelligence.
YES, my friends in a sense im saying we are creating “robo-humans”, “Captain America”, “SUPERHUMANS” etc.
Hard to believe? Not quite so. This isn’t a shock, we all knew this is going to happen but it already happened! That did come as a shock. The Dan Brown novel Inferno and the Zoltan Istvan novel The Transhumanist Wager focus on the theme of transhumanism. Fictional transhumanist scenarios have also become popular in other media during the late twentieth and early twenty first centuries. Such treatments are found in comic books Captain America, 1941, Transmetropolitan, 1997, The Surrogates, 2006, A Space Odyssey, 1968, Blade Runner, 1982, Gattaca, 1997 television series, The Cybermen of Doctor Who, 1966 video games-Metal Gear Solid, 1998, Deus Ex, 2000, BioShock, 2008, Half Life 2, 2004, Crysis, 2007.
Experiments have been started already and 60-70 years down the line these experiments will bring up results as said by critics of ‘transhumanization’. So in simple terms this means we are digitalizing humans.
What is happening in these experiments? As said by Mr. Souvik, chips-microchips are being inserted into the
cerebellum of human and it intercepts the nerve impulses. Why? Guess what these microchips help to do. They are a medium of interaction between the machines and human. Excited? Yes these chips help you to interact with the machines. Example: your house, vehicles etc. also have the same chips and messages, information about what is in the nook and corner of the house, even if a pin is dropped and location of your car, who is in the car, male or female, their name, addresses and every damn detail is displayed. Displayed where? In the brain- a visualization center is built by the chip in the brain.
ZERO-PRIVACY is going to be a reality. Every living creature is going to be touched by this technology.
“A chip inserted into the brain will feed data into the brain, doesn’t it cross anyone’s mind that the same chip can be used to retrieve data from the brain which anyone controlling the chip store, steel or transmit it to a database? It means even the subconscious is not a safe place, well that scares my hats-off”
This so called microchip as scientifically said to affect the “limbic section” of brain which control the emotion and reactions. So there is possibility, a remote possibility that human emotions and reactions can also be controlled by the one controlling the microchip. May be they can be turned off. Like vampires? Non-flesh eating Zombies? Who knows?
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“The brain processes information in discrete operations by way of some biological equivalent of on/off switches.” |
But the basic aim of these experiments as I understand them is “Immortality”, inhuman strength and lifespan is the bottom line of the change. Is it the final invention of man? Because after this I don’t see a need for anything more than inhumanly increasing lifespan. Then the history will repeat again-lust for power, the craving for power starts when every human comes to a state of equilibrium.
I remember Einstein’s quote “I don’t know what the World War-3 will be fought with, but World War-4 will be fought with sticks and stone”. But I say “I don’t know what is down the line after decade but if these experiments continue the fate of humans is granted for a tremendous and destructive change.
This is not just a possibility; this is the truth, a fate that can be avoided and a fate that can be changed.